TLP honored as 2015 Captain of Industry by Local Chamber
Monday, January 25th, 2016 – Menomonee Falls, Wis. – Tailored Label Products, Inc. (TLP) was recently honored by the Menomonee Falls Chamber with the 2015 Captain of Industry Award. This award is presented to a Menomonee Falls Chamber of Commerce member that has become a leader within their industry, has demonstrated civic responsibility and has contributed to the overall quality of life in the Greater Menomonee Falls area.
On behalf of TLP, Jeff Kerlin President & CEO (center), accepts Captain of Industry Award from Menomonee Falls Chamber of Commerce 2015 president Brian Arndt (left) and 2016 chamber president Michael Stelter (right)
During the awards ceremony, TLP was honored for bringing recognition to Menomonee Falls through several recent statewide and national awards. Recent honors have included being a two time recipient of the prestigious Wisconsin Manufacturer of The Year Award, 6 consecutive appearances on the Journal Sentinel’s Top Places To Work List, and recognition by the National Association of People Supporting Employment First and Disability Rights Wisconsin organizations for TLP’s pioneering work in promoting the employment of individuals with disabilities.
In 2015, TLP also made significant investments in cutting edge digital printing technology and completed a major expansion of its facility in Menomonee Falls, which brought new jobs and business to the local economy.
Jeff Kerlin, President & CEO of Tailored Label Products, accepted the award at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet, held on Thursday, Jan. 21st at Davians Banquet & Conference Center.
“We are sincerely honored and thrilled to win this award; it means a lot to us. We’ve been active with the Chamber for many years and we believe in the work it is doing. To receive this recognition from our local business community underscores the ongoing commitment and success that Tailored Label Products and our team have in making a positive impact on our community”, said Mr. Kerlin upon accepting the award.
The full list of Menomonee Falls Chamber of Commerce 2015 award recipients included:
- Business of the Year: Kohl’s
- Captain of Industry: Tailored Label Products
- Chairperson of the Year: Lisa Mackey (The Shorewood Florist)
- Volunteer of the Year: Sue Ciurro (Country Inn & Suites)
- Community Improvement: Costco Wholesale
- Community Service: Community Memorial Foundation
- Larry Stewart Humanitarian: Alex Hoffman & Paul Armitage (Yo Cool Frozen Yogurt)
- President’s Award: Mark Mohr (First Bank Financial Centre)
About Tailored Label Products, Inc.
Tailored Label Products, Inc. (TLP) is a custom manufacturer of high-performance labels, tags, and die-cut adhesives. TLP provides custom engineered adhesive and label solutions for the electronics, automotive, aerospace, industrial, biomedical, medical equipment, hydraulic fluid and power industries. For more information, contact TLP at 800.727.1344 or visit
Media Contact: Larry Harvey | (262) 345-6404 |